Acupuncture in Northwich, Acupuncture in Northwich
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Restoring Balance and Wellbeing
Welcome to The Cheshire Tao Acupuncture Clinic in Northwich
Acupuncture is an effective form of eastern medicine, used not only for acute and chronic pain relief and muscular skeletal issues like sciatica and back pain, for which it is commonly associated, but can also alleviate many other conditions such as; anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, tinnitus, migraines, bells palsy, vulvodynia, asthma, autoimmune disorders and other gynaecological, neurological, respiratory issues and mental health conditions. If you're seeking the benefits of Acupuncture in Northwich, our skilled practitioners at the Cheshire Tao offer a wide range of treatments tailored to individual needs.
Acupuncture has been practised worldwide for thousands of years, working upon principles that environmental and genetic factors cause blockages along the bodies internal pathways, affecting the energetic flow. It is considered in Chinese Medicine that these blockages cause chronic pain, stagnation and disease. Needles are used at pre-determined acupuncture points, tailored to each individual, to release stagnation and encourage re-oxygenated blood flow stimulating the bodies own natural healing system to aid general wellbeing, bringing the body back into balance.
We also work very closely with emotional health and the symptoms of stress, grief, anxiety, depression and insomnia, all of which can lead to chronic fatigue. Acupuncture can also support smoking cessation and provide assistance in overcoming other addictive behaviours. Acupuncture treatments are covered by Corporate Healthcare Schemes, through our affiliation with the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ATCM) and The British Acupuncture Federation (BAF).
Here at The Cheshire Tao we have adopted a multi-therapeutic approach to our treatments, using various eastern medicinal methods, which may include; acupuncture (body/auricular/micro-systems), electro-acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, magnet therapy/seeds, guasha, tuina, kinesiology taping and body realignment. Each treatment is tailored to the individual, following a full consultation. Other treatments we offer include facial acupuncture, fertility support, help overcoming addiction and weight management (alongside nutritional guidance) lymphatic drainage and aromatherapy massage using Neals Yard Organic Oils.
If you would like to find out more about Acupuncture in Northwich, our treatments, have any questions or would like to book an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact us on 07872 834343.